

Algo sobre mi

Bienvenido a Mi nombre es Fran García y soy un Ingeniero en Informática por la Universidad de Alicante que actualmente trabaja como Director de Ingeniería en Cheetah Digital. En esta web encontrarás sobre todo noticias relacionadas con las nuevas tecnologías, Internet, programación y de vez en cuando soltaré algo sobre mi vida privada, aunque no esperes que esto sea un blog demasiado íntimo.
Espero que lo que veas y leas aquí, sea de tu interés.

Testing 3rd party API endpoints with Spock, Test containers and Stoplight Prism

7. May 2020, 13:19
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World is not ideal, so is software engineering. In some situations, you won’t be able or don’t want to test a 3rd party API rest service with the real endpoints. In such situations, there is a combination of tools, specifications and frameworks that can massively help us:

-, is a Java library able to run anything that can be run in a Docker container
-, a broadly adopted industry standard for describing modern APIs
-, a tool able to mock a REST API using its OpenApi documentation
-, a testing and specification framework for Java and Groovy applications

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Bitbucket Pipelines with Digital Ocean

22. March 2020, 05:58
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This article explains how to use Bitbucket pipelines to deploy new versions of a fat jar into a Digital Ocean droplet. This is the way I currently deploy new versions of my Alexa skill Score Board. To follow this article you need to have a brief understanding of what Bitbucket Pipelines is and some skills managing Linux systems.

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Alexa Skill: Marcador Deportivo

11. March 2020, 09:39
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Hace un tiempo que tengo pendiente un post acerca de una skill para Alexa que te permite llevar el marcador en diferentes deportes tales como pádel, tenis, fútbol, ping pong, etc. No me compliqué mucho con el nombre de la Skill y la llamé Marcador Deportivo.

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From SQL to Elasticsearch

30. January 2018, 16:05
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Nowadays, almost everybody is used to work with some SQL queries in a daily basis, but what happens when the data store changes to Elasticsearch? You can find here some useful tips (I hope they are) to ease the transition.

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Sahara Marathon 2017

20. April 2017, 15:58
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It has already been a while since we came back from the Saharaui refugee camps at Smara where we were to take part in the 17th edition of the Sahara Marathon for the 5kms race. Of course, and to be honest, the most important thing for us, we could visit Omar and his family. Omar is a saharaui boy we hosted all the summers from 2011 to 2014 with the program Vacaciones en Paz (Holidays in Peace), although in his last 2 years (2015 y 2016) we couldn’t host because we were already living in UK.

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Maratón del Sahara 2017

5. March 2017, 16:23
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Hace ya unas semanas que volvimos de los campamentos de refugiados saharauis en Smara donde formamos parte de la expedición que viajamos allí para participar en la 17 edición del Maratón del Sahara en la carrera de 5 kms. Además, y sinceramente para nosotros más importante incluso, pudimos visitar a Omar y su familia. Omar es un niño saharaui que acogimos todos los veranos desde 2011 hasta 2014 por medio del programa Vacaciones en Paz, pero que en sus 2 últimos años (2015 y 2016) no pudimos acoger al estar residiendo en Reino Unido.

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Signing instagram request

16. December 2016, 10:19
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As Instagram API states in its docs, You can secure your API calls and mitigate impersonation attempts by making server-side calls and passing a per-request signature using your Client Secret, but how to do that in Java/Groovy?

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Testing your REST API endpoints with Groovy and Spock

10. October 2016, 12:35
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If you ever need to test your REST API endpoints, I would recommend you to use Groovy and Spock. You can find here an easy example using a pet project I created long time ago with AngularJS and Grails.

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How to develop a Facebook bot?

17. August 2016, 06:39
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2016 has been the year of bots and you can find them everywhere. Even Facebook launched its own bot by the beginning of the year. From my experience working with it, Facebook API is not the best documented API you can find on the internet. That’s the reason I have decided to create my own article to help other developers.

The documentation I am trying to improve can be found at

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Contenedor mysql con docker compose (en MAC OS X)

22. February 2016, 05:51
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Si te estás peleando con docker compose y mysql para hacerlo funcionar correctamente en tu máquina MAC OS X, aquí está la solución.

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